Annual Consumer Satisfaction Survey

Pursuant to Business and Professions Code § 472.4 and Title 16, California Code of Regulations § 3399.5, the Arbitration Certification Program (ACP) conducts an annual survey. The purpose of the survey is to measure consumer satisfaction with the arbitration process. The survey does not measure the satisfaction of the many of consumers who have had problems satisfied through early contact with dealers, manufacturers' customer service representatives, or other mediation efforts.

The ACP also uses the survey as a monitoring mechanism to ensure that certified arbitration programs substantially comply with state and federal requirements. The ACP discusses the survey findings with each certified arbitration program, requesting corrections to the process when necessary.

Click on the links below to view the reports.

For further information, please call 1–800–952–5210 or 916–574–7350

If you have difficulty accessing any material on this site because of a disability, please contact us in writing or via telephone and we will work with you to make the information available. You can direct your request to Michael Pettigrew, 1625 North Market Blvd., Suite N–112,Sacramento CA 95834, 916–574–7350, or