Complaint Form
The Arbitration Certification Program (ACP) investigates complaints alleging that a state-certified program failed to follow its written operating procedures. The ACP tracks violations and trends to identify areas in which the arbitration process can be improved through legislation or regulatory modification.
Note: If you wish to submit an inquiry or a complaint unrelated to a state-certified arbitration program, please submit a complaint to DCA.
* indicates required information

Notice on Collection of Personal Information
Collection and Use of Personal Information. The Arbitration Certification Program of the Department of Consumer Affairs collects the information requested on this form as authorized by Business and Professions Code Sections 325 and 326. The Department uses this information to follow up on your complaint.
Providing Personal Information Is Voluntary. You do not have to provide the personal information requested. If you do not wish to provide personal information, such as your name, home address, or home telephone number, you may remain anonymous. In that case, however, we may not be able to contact you or help you resolve your complaint.
Access to Your Information. You may review the records maintained by the Department that contain your personal information, as permitted by the Information Practices Act. See below for contact information.
Possible Disclosure of Personal Information.
We make every effort to protect the personal information you provide us. In order to follow up on your complaint, however, we may need to share the information you give us with the business you complained about or with other government agencies. This may include sharing any personal information you gave us.
The information you provide may also be disclosed in the following circumstances:
- In response to a Public Records Act request, as allowed by the Information Practices Act;
- To another government agency as required by state or federal law; or
- In response to a court or administrative order, a subpoena, or a search warrant.
Contact Information. For questions about this notice, the Department's Privacy Policy, or access to your records, you may contact the Information Security Office in the Department of Consumer Affairs, 1625 North Market Blvd., Suite S202, Sacramento, CA 95834, or email