Los Angeles Wildfire Assistance

The California Board of Accountancy (CBA) is pleased to offer license renewal fee postponements for those affected by the recent wildfires in the Los Angeles area. License renewal fees for CPAs and Accounting Firms located within 13 specific zip codes* whose license expiration date is between January 31, 2025, and June 30, 2025, will be postponed for one year in accordance with the Governor’s Executive Order N-15-25.

Licensees should still log in to their CBA Connect account and complete the online renewal as usual. Accounts associated with licenses coming up for renewal during this window will be automatically updated to reflect the one-year fee postponement.

Licensees who wish to pay their license renewal fee on schedule without postponement should email renewalinfo@cba.ca.gov. CBA staff will then update the account to allow the payment.

*90041, 90049, 90265, 90272, 90290, 90402, 91001, 91024, 91103, 91104, 91107, 91367, 93536

The Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA) has a webpage with Frequently Asked Questions about the fee postponements, and another Disaster Help Center webpage with information about assistance provided by various other DCA boards and bureaus.

Beyond the license renewal fee postponements, the CBA is also offering the following options to assist affected licensees and applicants during this difficult time:

  • If you are a CPA and need an extension for completing your Continuing Education, please email the details to renewalinfo@cba.ca.gov.
  • If you are a licensee and need to replace your wall certificate, the CBA will waive the replacement fee. Email licensinginfo@cba.ca.gov with your request.
  • If you are a licensee and need to replace your pocket ID, the CBA will waive the replacement fee. Email renewalinfo@cba.ca.gov with your request.
  • If you are an examination candidate who may need an extension or other assistance, please email your request to examinfo@cba.ca.gov.
  • For any CPA or accounting firm who needs to update your address of record, it can be done online through your CBA Connect account. To create a CBA Connect account, go to https://connect.dca.ca.gov/cba/#/User/Register.

For any other questions or assistance, please email outreach@cba.ca.gov.

For the latest statewide information and assistance for those affected by the wildfires, please visit www.ca.gov/LAfires/.

Individuals and businesses affected by the wildfires are eligible for tax relief. Click to find information about extensions for filing federal taxes and state taxes.

The Contractors State License Board has tips and resources for those looking to hire a contractor. You can also visit their Disaster Help Center.