Out-Of-State Licensed CPA Search

To file a complaint against an out-of-state CPA, please complete the CBA's Complaint form.

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About Your Search

If the person you are searching for does not appear, this does not confirm whether the individual is authorized to exercise a practice privilege in California. Under mobility laws, CPAs licensed by one state may be allowed to offer services in other states without obtaining a license in that state.

To further ensure the individual you are researching is licensed, has no record of discipline and is authorized to practice in California, you should continue your search by visiting CPAverify, an online national repository of information about licensed CPAs and public accounting firms, and the official website(s) of the state(s) where the individual is licensed.

NASBA CPAverify Website

In addition to the information available on the California Board of Accountancy website, CPAverify is an online central repository of information about licensed CPAs and public accounting firms maintained by the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) to provide a single-search resource covering participating jurisdictions where a person or firm has been licensed.