The Division of Investigation (DOI)
The Division of Investigation (DOI) was established by the Legislature in 1961 to provide centralized investigative services for the various regulatory boards, bureaus, programs, committees, and commissions within the State of California, Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA). Section 830.3(a) of the California Penal Code designates DOI investigators as sworn peace officers, who perform a full range of peace officer duties and responsibilities.
DCA protects California consumers through oversight, enforcement, and licensure of professions. The Department consists of 36 boards and bureaus that regulate over 3.4 million licenses in more than 250 various professions and occupations -- from physical therapists, nurses, and acupuncturists, to barbers, veterinarians, and security guards.
Who We Are
The State of California’s Law Enforcement Branch for Consumer Protection.
To provide law enforcement investigative services, in order to protect California consumers and licensees by effectively and efficiently enforcing laws, regulations, and professional standards.
What We Do
Criminal/Administrative Investigations of:
- Prescription/Medical Narcotics Enforcement
- Illegal Practice of Medicine
- Wrongful Death
- Patient Abuse
- Identity Theft
- Sexual Misconduct
- Unlicensed Activity
- False Advertising
- Incompetence
- Fraud
- Underground Economy
- Assault
How We Do It
- Intelligence Gathering
- Sting & Undercover Operations
- Search Warrants/Subpoenas
- Arrests
- Computer Forensic Analysis

DOI investigators are highly-trained experts in conducting specialized investigations with an emphasis on violations of the Business and Professions Code, laws that govern most DCA professional licenses. DOI provides investigative expertise and resources to DCA’s boards and bureaus as well as local and federal law enforcement agencies.
The DOI consists of two units, the Investigation and Enforcement Unit (IEU) and Health Quality Investigation Unit (HQIU). Each unit provides investigative services to a variety of boards and bureaus that include, but are not limited to:
- Acupuncture
- Architects
- Barbering and Cosmetology
- Behavioral Sciences
- Geologists and Geophysicists
- Optometry
- Physical Therapy
- Psychology
- Registered Nursing
- Security and Investigative Services
- Veterinary Medical
- Vocational Nursing and Psychiatric Technicians
- Medical Board of California
- Osteopathic Medical Board
- Physician Assistants
- Podiatric Medicine
DOI investigators are premier consumer protection experts. As sworn peace officers, investigators must possess eligibility for the Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) Basic or Specialized Certificate.
Advantages of a career as a DOI investigator:
- Specialized Training
- Specialized Assignments
- Compact Work Weeks
- Comprehensive Benefits
- Education Incentive
- Longevity Pay
- Peace Officer Safety Retirement
- Career Advancement
- Great Second Career (1937 Retirement Act)
Important Note: If you are not a current or former State employee, you must first take an examination to determine your eligibility. For more information on examinations, qualifications, and job openings, visit www.jobs.ca.gov
Other Enforcement Related Items
- DOI Enforcement Cases Dashboard
- Substance Abuse Coordination Committee (SACC)
- Enforcement Performance Measures Archive
- Complaint Prioritization & Referral Guidelines
Division of Investigation
1747 N. Market Blvd
Sacramento, CA 95834
Main Office Line: (916) 515-5100
Enforcement Administrative Staff: (916) 515-5100
Special Operations Unit: (916) 515-5111
Investigation and Enforcement Unit Field Office Locations
Northern Area Field Offices
- Concord
- Fresno
- Sacramento
Southern Area Field Offices
- Cerritos
- Chatsworth
- Ontario
- San Diego
Health Quality Investigation Unit
Northern Area Field Offices
- Concord
- Fresno
- Sacramento
- San Jose
Los Angeles Field Offices
- Cerritos
- Glendale
- San Dimas
- Valencia
Southern Area Field Offices
- Rancho Cucamonga
- San Bernardino
- San Diego
- Santa Ana