DCA Centralized Service Review Reports

The Budget Act of 2018 required the Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA) to conduct a process improvement review of the centralized services it provides to the 37 boards, bureaus, committees, and commission it oversees. Senate Bill 840 (Mitchell, Chapter 29, Statutes of 2018), provides that DCA, in consultation with the Pro Rata Work Group, shall identify and prioritize the most critical services to be reviewed and report to the Californian Legislature. DCA is required to make the results of the reviews available to the California Legislature as they are completed. The following reports describe existing processes, opportunities to achieve efficiencies, and strategies to improve customer service.

The Organizational Improvement Office (OIO) collaborates with DCA boards, bureaus and centralized services to identify opportunities for effective change and process improvement through business analysis. Services provided include business process documentation and mapping, development of system requirements for IT projects, and providing support for special projects.